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Search Engine Optimization: How to Write Content

At Applied Worldwide, we have made the decision to focus on publishing content that will be easily accessible on search engines. Previously, we have published shorter articles with the purpose of distributing those on social media, but ultimately the best way for us to profitably publish everyone’s writing, is to ensure people can find the work on Google and to a lesser extent Bing and Yahoo, which requires search engine optimization.

We have published some resources for writers to help everyone to know the type of content we are looking to publish. You may start by reviewing this article describing how an instructor might use blog writing as a public sociology assignment. In the article we list several best practices and guidance on how to successfully write in a way that is optimized for search engines.

You may also look at our submission portal where we provide a guide on how you can write content that fits into our brand.

About Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a way to improve web pages so that search engines will prioritize them and more people will click on your article. The best SEO articles fill a need on the internet. We might think about this like the literature review for a research project. Similarly to how a researcher finds a gap in the literature, SEO writers should seek to fill information-gaps on the internet. Good SEO writers take the time to conduct some keyword research prior to writing.

Search Engine Optimization Keyword Research

There are a variety of websites providing tools for keyword research, some free and some paid. If writers are making a good amount of income as contract writers, investing in a paid keyword tool like SemRush or Moz. Otherwise, there are free trials to these tools and other free versions online. If you run out of your free trials or just want something quick to use Google Trends will also give you some valuable information on what keywords to use when writing for SEO. Keyword research will make your writing experience more efficient.

You should look for keywords that do not have quality articles listed when you search for the term. Maybe the articles from the search are outdated, lacking in knowledge, or possibly non-existent. These are all great reasons to write an article using a particular keyword.

Tips for Inserting your Keyword for Search Engine Optimization

Once you have established your keyword, there are a few considerations to make. First, make sure that your keyword is in your title and at the beginning of the title if possible. Second, make sure to mention your keyword in the first paragraph of the article. Next, make sure that you include your keyword throughout the article and in subheaders. Please make sure to use subheaders, to break up the text. This helps human readers and it helps computers read the text.

Sociology Keywords and Writing for Search Engine Optimization

Most of the tips we have provided so far are applicable to almost all online writing opportunities. Whether you are writing for a food blog or a political commentary site, publications will value your ability to write for good keywords.

For Applied Worldwide, we aim to produce content that uses keywords associated with sociology. Think about all the jargon and language we use to describe society and social phenomena. Think about all the words you have had to describe to your family, friends, or colleagues. If you need to explain those concepts to people in your network, then there are plenty of people who would be interested in the meaning of the keyword on the internet.

Examples of Sociology Keywords of Interest to Applied Worldwide

Now that we have provided some knowledge on what we look for in SEO writing submissions, we would like to list out a few search terms that we would be interested in publishing articles.

Conflict Theory

Conflict Theory is one of the most popular classical sociology theories. The theory is search several thousand times per month across the internet. As the root of many of our contemporary theories related to inequality, there is room to write about conflict theory, where it comes from, and how it has influenced how we view contemporary society.

Sociological Imagination

Another popular concept that begins in Introduction to Sociology courses. We are looking to publish a well researched article on what the sociological imagination is, including several examples applying the concept to contemporary society. We have some examples of writing in relation to the sociological imagination. Please review the following articles and see where your own analysis might add valuable content to Applied Worldwide’s website.

Sociological Imagination: The Society, Mind & Human Action

The Sociological Imagination of Droughts: A Social History

Sociological Imagination and Critical Thinking

Applying the Sociological Imagination to COVID-19

The Sociological Imagination of Unemployment

The Sociological Imagination and Thanksgiving

Stratification in Sociology

Stratification receives a great deal of internet traffic as a search term. We would like to publish an article describing stratification within the context of inequality. That is to say how do these terms differ and how can we apply them to modern life. You may refer to our article about the concept of alienation as an example of this type of writing.

sociology quotes - emile durkheim

Emile Durkheim

Emile Durkheim is a popular theorist in classical sociology theory, often cited as a founder of the discipline. We would like to publish an article that digs a little deeper into the man. How did Durkheim become one of the most notable sociologists? Who was Durkheim in conversation with at the time?

Sociology Jobs

There is always room to write about sociology jobs. What job can I get with a sociology degree?, is one of the most common questions we receive at Applied Worldwide. We have some articles on the topic of sociology jobs, but we are open to publishing articles with new or innovative perspectives.

Sociology vs Psychology

Sociology and psychology often view the world differently. Yet, so many students look at their college course list and are expected to choose between the two. We would like to publish an article that clearly and concisely explains what students might be getting into, and how to choose between the two.

C. Wright Mills

Considered the founder of the Sociological Imagination, C. Wright Mills is a popular theorist in sociology. Mills has an interesting background and we would like to publish an article describing his story in sociology. How did Mills get to receive his “outlaw” or rebellious reputation and what has that done for the discipline of sociology?

Search Engine Optimization: How to Write Content
“In order to judge the problems and methods of various schools of social science, we must make up our minds about a great many political values as well as intellectual issues, for we cannot very well state any problem until we know whose problem it is.” – C. Wright Mills

Contact Applied Worldwide

With a goal to expand a vision of applied sociology online, we are always looking into what folks are searching related to sociology so we can make the most of our efforts. If you are interested in SEO writing for Applied Worldwide, feel free to reach out to us by email at Or, check out our submission portal for more in-depth description of the types of articles accepted at Applied Worldwide!

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Frequently Asked Questions about Search Engine Optimization

  1. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
    • SEO is the process of optimizing a website or online content to improve its visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords, ultimately increasing organic traffic.
  2. Why is SEO important for online businesses?
    • SEO is crucial for online businesses as it helps improve website rankings, increases organic traffic, builds credibility, and enhances user experience, leading to better conversion rates and business growth.
  3. What are the key components of on-page SEO?
    • On-page SEO includes optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, URL structures, and content for relevant keywords. It also involves improving website speed, mobile-friendliness, and ensuring a positive user experience.
  4. How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?
    • The timeline for SEO results varies based on factors like website age, competition, and the strategies implemented. While some changes may yield quick results, a comprehensive SEO strategy often takes several months to show significant improvements.
  5. What is the difference between organic and paid search results?
    • Organic search results are unpaid listings that appear on search engine results pages based on their relevance to the user’s query, while paid results are advertisements that businesses pay for to appear at the top of the results page.
  6. How does backlinking impact SEO?
    • Backlinks, or incoming links from other websites, are a crucial SEO factor. Quality backlinks from authoritative sites can boost a website’s credibility and authority, positively impacting its search engine rankings.
  7. What role does content play in SEO?
    • High-quality, relevant content is a cornerstone of effective SEO. Search engines prioritize content that meets user intent, is well-structured, and provides value. Regularly updating and adding new content can improve a website’s visibility.
  8. Is SEO a one-time effort, or does it require ongoing maintenance?
    • SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort. Search engines frequently update their algorithms, and competitors may also adjust their strategies. Regular monitoring, updates, and adjustments to SEO tactics are necessary to maintain and improve rankings over time.