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Writing for Search Engines: Tips & Guidelines

Writing for search engines is a large part of Applied Worldwide’s ability to continue its mission of enhancing a vision of applied sociology. We can write about the importance of sociology all we want, but if folks aren’t finding what we write when they are searching for information online, then that writing is not reaching its full potential. Therefore, we are introducing new standards for the articles and blogs we publish on

The following checklist will help you meet our new standards for publication, which will also help put your writing in front of a larger audience.

1. Include a focus keyphrase 

  • Your focus keyphrase is the keyword search you expect people to enter in Google, or another search engine, that relates to the content of your article.
  • Your focus keyphrase should be included in the title, the first paragraph/introduction, subheadings, and throughout your article.
  • An example of a focus keyphrase is “healthcare industry” for our “Analysis of Sociology Jobs in the Healthcare Industry” article.
  • You can find some useful tips on choosing a focus keyphrase in this article from Yoast.

2. Include a 60-character title

  • While it might not always be possible to keep your title right at 60-characters, it is important to aim for that length.
  • Remember, your focus keyphrase should appear in your title.
  • If you can keep the focus keyphrase in the first half of the title, that is even better!

3. Avoid passive voice

  • Refer to this Grammarly article on passive vs. active voice for more on how to avoid passive voice.
  • While a few instances of passive voice are acceptable, an overwhelming majority of your writing should be in active voice.

4. Avoid high-density of long sentences

  • “Long sentences” in this case refers to sentences with more than 20 words.
  • Diversifying your sentence lengths throughout your writing is generally a good practice, but a majority of your sentences should be 20 words or less.
  • Internal links in internet writing refer to links within the same website. In this case, internal links are links to other pages on
  • You should search for articles and blogs that relate to the piece you are submitting using the search tool in the header.
  • Try to find 1-2 related pieces from to hyperlink within your submission.
  • You will create a hyperlink for the internal link in the same way you would for an external link.

Using this list to guide the structure of your writing can help immensely with making sure search engines like Google prioritize your writing in search results.

Frequently Asked Questions about Writing for Search Engines

What is writing for search engines, and why is it important?

Writing for search engines involves creating content that is optimized to rank well in search engine results. This is important because it helps improve the visibility of the content online, making it more likely to be discovered by users searching for relevant information.

What are key principles to consider when writing for search engines?

Key principles include conducting keyword research to understand what users are searching for, creating high-quality and relevant content, using proper formatting and meta tags, and ensuring a good user experience on the website.

How does keyword research impact writing for search engines?

Sociology for Aspiring researchers in Pakistan and writing for the internet

Keyword research helps identify the terms and phrases users are entering into search engines. Integrating these keywords naturally into the content can improve the chances of the page appearing in search results for those specific queries.

What is the role of meta tags in writing for search engines?

Meta tags, such as title tags and meta descriptions, provide brief summaries of a web page’s content. Crafting compelling and accurate meta tags can enhance click-through rates from search results and improve the page’s overall search engine performance.

Is there a balance between writing for search engines and writing for human readers?

Yes, there is a balance. While optimizing content for search engines is crucial, it’s equally important to create content that is valuable, engaging, and easily understandable for human readers. Striking this balance ensures a positive user experience.

How does the structure of content impact search engine optimization (SEO)?

A well-structured content format, including clear headings, subheadings, and organized paragraphs, makes it easier for search engines to understand the content’s context. This can positively impact SEO by improving the page’s readability and user experience.

Are there common mistakes to avoid when writing for search engines?

Common mistakes include keyword stuffing (overusing keywords unnaturally), neglecting the importance of quality content, ignoring mobile optimization, and not staying updated on search engine algorithm changes.

How can multimedia elements contribute to writing for search engines?

Incorporating multimedia elements such as images, videos, and infographics can enhance the overall user experience and make the content more shareable. Search engines often reward diverse and engaging content with better rankings in search results.