The word festival is originally Latin, used for the first time in early 1200s. Etymologically, the word originally meant “a big entertainment and feast.” In this sense, a festival can be defined as an outstanding activity that should create a special atmosphere arising not only from art and quality of products but also from rural regions, a city and the traditions of a region. Festivals are also an art exhibition with a particular significance and a specified program where the period, location, and the number or characteristics of the guests are predetermined within a program.
Festivals are Heritage
According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, the word heritage means the features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance.
Indeed, festivals are heritaged. They are an expensive way to celebrate glorious heritage, culture, and traditions of a community. Our festivals are meant to celebrate moments, emotions in our lives. They bring happiness to our lives and strengthen our sense of community, giving life to our continued heritage.
Then and Now
Starting from early times, people have always held ceremonies or festivities shaped by their culture in order to express their happiness, sorrow and joy, and their successes in acquisition of food and clothes, and achievements. They have been defined differently in accordance with the culture of the community as festivals, carnivals fairs, festivities, feasts and carousels.
Nowadays, there are plenty of local, regional, national and international activities that take place annually or periodically. As significant motivations of tourism, festivals are the leading figures of the development and promotion plans of numerous destinations. They are of universal importance in social and cultural roles; and they have been designed and developed as tourist attractions.
Why we Should Attend Festivals…
It is without doubt that festivals play an important role in adding structure to our social lives, and connect us with our families and backgrounds. They give us a distraction from our day to day, exhausting routine of life, and give us some inspiration to remember the important things and moments in life.