Saving Narratives: The voice of a disenchanted technological world
What are narratives and how do they shape society? Learn more from guest contributor Jamal Nasir as he reviews Byung-Chul Han's book The Crisis of Narration.
What are narratives and how do they shape society? Learn more from guest contributor Jamal Nasir as he reviews Byung-Chul Han's book The Crisis of Narration.
Learn more about the changing trends in the joint family structure in India with Applied Worldwide guest contributor Aashika Shivangi Singh.
This article delves into the nuances of Taiwan’s diplomacy, from its symbolic partnerships with countries like Ukraine to its efforts in Africa.
Guest contributor Aashika Shivangi Singh examines the gendered dynamics of rural-to-urban migration in India exploring intersectionality and the global context.
Climate change from a sociological perspective is viewed as an emerging global socio-political issue and one of the greatest ecological crises in the twenty-first century driven by both anthropocentrism (i.e.,…
This 3rd place essay was written by Abiodun Abidoye for Applied Worldwide's 2024 "Why is Sociology Important" Global Student Essay Competition.
Guest contributor Dr. Rituparna Patgiri reflects on societal reactions to her decision to get married, while also working full time.
Guest contributor Chris Gonoh shares a conversation with Professor Chris Ugolo on the connection between dance and sociology.
Noor Ul Huda writes about Harriet Martineau's legacy in social research in this discussion on Martineau's works and major arguments.
Drawing on theories in political sociology and international relations, Richard Atimniraye Nyelade discusses Taiwan's diplomacy in Somaliland.