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The Boy Child of Nigeria – Plights, Plans and the Dangers

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The boy child of Nigeria in his crude has his fate determined by destiny, most particularly when he is from an Indigent home; Achieving smooth accomplishment by his arrangements to crash into his aspirations is difficult combined with the way that he may experience the ill effects of some horrendous encounters, for example, untrustworthy parenthood, death of guardians and abuse from family.

History of the Boy Child

In the main occurrence, it is obnoxious brazen to spurn a kid youngster to provide food for himself, maintaining the paradox that he is a man. We are not unconscious or oblivious of guardians who would not send the Boy-child to class dismissing the way that we are in the 21st century. A time where literates rule the world. Some who are special to be shipped off school by their unenlightened begetter, get no opportunity to flip through the pages after school hours. An exploration that was done by the Program for International Students Assessment (P.I.S.A), and a wide word concentration by the association for Economic Co-activity and

Development which inspected the capability of 15-year old teens in perusing and putting down have the account that young men all through our worldwide town are failing to meet expectations their female partners. Why this outcome isn’t a stun to me rather, a body blow is that in our milieu, a Boy-Child most especially in Nigeria is consistently in the ranch burrowing and scooping after school hours since, he is said to could possibly do as such. While he restores, his solidarity gets weak and he is weary to burn the midnight oil.

Besides, a kid youngster who loses guardians releasing their jobs credit capably, may as per culture take harbor in his kinsfolk. Henceforth, it is a critical circumstance that he may not get the profits of parenthood, less worry in his instructive turn of events and shared closeness. He is being criticized, detested and abused. Seeing all these are not pleasant, the Boy-child may end his own life or become solidified.

Violence and the Boy Child of Nigeria

Continuously, erratic fatalities set in; untimely Independence may be the beginning of Vulgarity; terrible dialects, Violence, taking and progressively he turns into an Armed Robber. A significant number of Boy-Child looking for aid In the canals are additionally explicitly attacked by ladies In fulfilling their libido while the Image of our nation discolors among her Sister’s States with increase in assault cases at cockcrow. Also, Country home a model of ‘Nerve gas’ is exceptionally difficult to make due in. It suffocates their good contemplations and emotions.

Subsequently, causing them to lose the soul of enthusiasm to such an extent that, they went fear based oppressors to cause the Society and the Government to feel their hostility since they appeared to be incapacitated to help. They scoured each other to shape assailant bunches Initiating wrongdoings Such as Bomb impact, Violence, extortion, murdering and so on While psychological warfare itself is one of the difficult cerebral pain alarming the present reality. It is a pity that guiltless spirits are the individuals who consistently fall prey of their arrangements.

Future of Nigeria

Certainly, if all Boy-Child are raised in accordance with standards of the general public, quick expansion in crime percentage would make some long memories lost their odds and a sound Nigeria kept up.

Besides, every kid very much prepared is a speculation for his folks, guardian and to the general public on the loose. It ensures happiness regarding tranquil concurrence in homes and in the general public, with the end goal that, strict and ethnic bigotry wouldn’t have had the option to sneak in to cause pandemoniums in the current world.

Nonetheless, on the off chance that we should keep our reality from additional harms, the public authority and the general public ought to hold fast to measures that would help check plans that work for the exploitation of the Boy-child. Consequently, legitimate direction on nurturing ought to be given to untaught guardians and gatekeepers.

Additionally, the Federal Government of Nigera ought to specify a stiffer punishment through administrative cycle against those discovered attacking and abusing the kid.

Final Thoughts on the Boy Child of Nigeria

People and Human Rights Association should mark World Day of The Boy-Child each sixteenth of May as Inaugurated in University of West Indies in 2018 by dispatching effort for the Protection of the kid. Holding worldwide, public and nearby official Questions and answers events for juvenile guys to take part in a “straight-no chaser” exchange of which they would be furnished with what they need to travel effectively from kid youngster to masculinity including expressions of directing and monetary palliative.

If Nigeria and the world entirely needs to be liberated from a sleeping disorder, huge consideration ought to be allowed to each kid youngster to guarantee that he is prepared for the future so he can help in country constructing as opposed to obliterating the country.

From Nigeria Blog Series

Chris Gonoh

Chris Gonoh writes from Edo State in Nigeria. He is a Novelist, short story writer, essayist, poet and motivator. He emerged winner of the 2020 Ikeogu Oke Prize for Nigeria Teenagers awarded by the Association of Nigeria Authors which is likely the biggest Literary body in Africa. Also, one of his brilliant works was featured by the writers against Covid-19 movement in their ‘Riposte of lockdown voices’ Anthology alongside other International Contributors. Though a young mind, his writing style doesn't hinges on entertaining readers only but to inspire people and correct societal ills. Gonoh is a prospective student of The University of Nigeria, Nsukka.